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ASHRAE and NASEO Sign Memorandum of Understanding

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  • 03 Dec 2020
  • Partnership
  • Atlanta, GA

ASHRAE and NASEO Sign Memorandum of Understanding

Sherri Simmons

ATLANTA (December 3, 2020)ASHRAE and the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) formalizing the organizations’ relationship.

The MOU was signed by Charles E. Gulledge III, P.E., 2020-21 ASHRAE President and David Terry, NASEO Executive Director during a virtual signing ceremony on November 20. The agreement outlines how ASHRAE and NASEO will work cooperatively to promote the advancements of a more sustainable built environment through HVAC&R technologies and their applications.

Areas of collaboration include: government advocacy; joint conferences and meetings; consistent leadership communication; publication development and distribution; education and professional development; technical activities coordination; and research.

“NASEO’s well-established relationships with state energy offices will serve as a bridge to bring ASHRAE’s unparalleled technical expertise in HVAC&R systems to improve the resiliency, sustainability and health of our built environment,” said Gulledge. “Agreements like this serve the interests of both organizations and leverage our collective resources to support sustainable building practices where the benefits are felt on a large scale.”

“NASEO is thrilled to continue our constructive partnership with ASHRAE,” added Terry. “ASHRAE’s deep expertise in indoor air quality, high-performing and grid-interactive buildings, and workforce development resonate with many State Energy Offices, especially as they navigate cross-cutting challenges to public health, the environment, and our economy.”

Formed by the states in 1986, NASEO facilitates peer learning among state energy officials, serves as a resource for and about state energy offices, and advocates the interests of the state energy offices to Congress and federal agencies.

NASEO was created to improve the effectiveness and quality of state energy programs and policies, provide policy input and analysis, share successes among the states, and to be a repository of information on issues of particular concern to the states and their citizens, NASEO is an instrumentality of the states.


Founded in 1894, ASHRAE is a global professional society committed to serve humanity by advancing the arts and sciences of heating ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration and their allied fields.

As an industry leader in research, standards writing, publishing, certification and continuing education, ASHRAE and its members are dedicated to promoting a healthy and sustainable built environment for all, through strategic partnerships with organizations in the HVAC&R community and across related industries.

The Society is showcasing integrated building solutions and sustainability in action through the opening of the ASHRAE Global Headquarters building in metro-Atlanta, Georgia. The state-of-the-art, high-performing net-zero-energy efficient global headquarters building is a destination venue for industry representatives, visiting from around the world, who are looking to experience cutting-edge engineering and architectural interventions.

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