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ASHRAE Research

Since 1960, ASHRAE has sponsored research studies at universities and research firms. The results of these studies have been used to prepare chapters in the ASHRAE Handbook series; as foundational material in special publications; in the formulation of standards; to train university students as they prepare for service in the HVAC&R industry; and to spread the knowledge gained through presentation at Society Conferences and publication in ASHRAE Transactions or conference proceedings.

ASHRAE currently has 37 active research projects.

  • The total value of all active projects is $5,183,600. The average duration is 20 months.
  • Average cost: $143,988.
  • Since 1959, ASHRAE has sponsored 1007 projects with a combined value of $87.9 million.

Free Member Access to Research Project Final Reports

ASHRAE members receive an annual subscription to ASHRAE Research Reports, which includes over 600 Research Project Final Reports, as a benefit of membership.

  • Nonmembers can subscribe to ASHRAE Research Reports for $199 USD annually. Subscribe 
  • Individual Reports are available for purchase in the ASHRAE Bookstore

Information for TCs/TGs/MTGs Sponsoring Research

pdf_icon.png  2019-2025 ASHRAE Research Strategic Plan

word_icon.png Disposition of ASHRAE Sponsored Research Results (Word Document)

word_icon.png Project Performance Form (Word Document)

page-excel-icon.gif Publication Topic Acceptance Request- Evaluation Form

word_icon.png Publication Topic Acceptance Request- Template

page-excel-icon.gif Publication WSP- Evaluation Form 2021

word_icon.png Publication WSP- Template 2021

pdf_icon.png Research Approval Process Flowchart (PDF)

word_icon.png Research Manual and Appendices (2022)

ppt.png Research Subcommittee Chair's "Breakfast" Meeting- Annual 2024

word_icon.png Research Topic Acceptance Request (RTAR) Form Template Word

word_icon.png Summary Sheet for Reporting Evaluation of Proposals Form (Word Document)

pdf_icon.png Support for Performing Literature Reviews (PDF)

word_icon.png TC/TRG/MTG/SSPC Important Dates and Deadlines

pdf_icon.png Work Statement Form (WS) Template PDF

word_icon.png Work Statement Form (WS) Template Word

Research Projects Bidding Page

Learn more

Research Proposal Guidelines

Access Information on Research Proposal Guidelines


PES Training Module Video

ppt.png PES Training (2024)

ppt.png Research Subcommittee Chair’s Breakfast Tampa 2023

ppt.png  How to Write a Successful RTAR or Work Statement (PowerPoint presentation)

Research & Technical Activities Reports

word_icon.png Research & Technical Activities Report Winter 2022

Access Research Project Final Reports

Related Research by Other Organizations

AHRTI Research


Research Administration Committee

pdf_icon.png 2024 Winter Meeting Minutes, Chicago

pdf_icon.png 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

pdf_icon.png 2023 Spring Meeting Minutes 

pdf_icon.png 2022 Fall Meeting Minutes

pdf_icon.png 2022 Annual Conference, Toronto Minutes

pdf_icon.png 2022 Winter Conference, Las Vegas Minutes

pdf_icon.png 2022 Spring Teleconferences, Virtual Minutes

pdf_icon.png 2021 Annual Conference, Virtual Minutes

pdf_icon.png 2021 Winter Conference, Virtual Minutes

RAC Sponsored Seminars

Annual Conference Denver

pdf_icon.png Seminar 30 – Are We There Yet? A Review of the 2010-2018 Research Strategic Plan

pdf_icon.png Seminar 33 – How Can I Participate in the ASHRAE Research Program?

Research Manual

word_icon.png Research Manual and Appendices (2022)

Submitting RTAR/WS

word_icon.png Research Topic Acceptance Request (RTAR) Form Template Word

Important Links - PES

word_icon.png Summary Sheet for Reporting Evaluation of Proposals Form (Word Document)

Important Links - PMS

word_icon.png Project Performance Form (Word Document) - Used for Research projects under eval.

Important Links - Misc. Forms

ASHRAE Research Database

pdf_icon.png Research Approval Process Flowchart (PDF)

word_icon.png Disposition of ASHRAE Sponsored Research Results (Word Document)

pdf_icon.png Support for Performing Literature Reviews (PDF)

Research Grants and Awards

Access Information on Research Grants and Awards (updated 06/2024)
