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New Course Teaches How to Use New Guideline on High-Performance Control Sequences

New Course Teaches How to Use New Guideline on High-Performance Control Sequences

From eSociety, April 2019

Standard practice for HVAC digital control systems includes creating custom control sequences for each building, often dumbed down to “keep it simple” for the building operator so much so that they are not in compliance with codes and standards such as Standard 90.1 (energy) and 62.1 (ventilation).  Even with this oversimplification, the sequences are not always well programmed, debugged and commissioned because of the one-off custom application, resulting in subpar building performance. 

“Wouldn’t it be nice if we had standardized, best-in-class control sequences that were optimized to minimize energy use and maximize comfort and indoor air quality that could be pre-programmed and pre-debugged? And what if we could also include advanced automatic fault detection to identify failed or under-performing components to sustain this high performance?” said Steve Taylor, P.E., Fellow/Life Member ASHRAE, the instructor of the course.

The recently published Guideline 36, High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems, was created to meet these needs.

To learn about the optimized control sequences and how to use the Guideline effectively, a new course is launching this June at ASHRAE’s Annual Conference in Kansas City. The course will explore the topics of general control logic, thermal and ventilation zone logic, VAV terminal unit logic, multiple-zone and single-zone VAV air handler control sequences, and automatic fault detection and diagnostics. The research that informed the Guideline and future directions for the Guideline will also be discussed, such as research projects developing near-optimum sequences for chilled and hot water plants and dedicated outdoor air systems.

“Guideline 36 has the potential to have a larger impact on building energy use than any other ASHRAE standard or guideline.  Early implementations of the sequences have shown dramatic energy savings (more than 50% reduction in boiler energy use in one case), all while maintaining code ventilation requirements and improving thermal comfort.  And at the same time, it reduces costs for all parties: engineers spend less time writing sequences, local control contractors spend less time programming, commissioning agents spend less time testing, building engineers spend less time operating and maintaining, and building owners pay lower energy bills.  Meanwhile, occupants see better thermal comfort and better indoor air quality.  Once fully implemented, Guideline 36 will be a win-win-win-win-win-win for all parties,” Taylor said.

This advanced course is intended for HVAC system designers and controls contractors.

Register Now for ASHRAE Learning Institute’s “Guideline 36: Best in Class HVAC Control Sequences.”
