United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), represented by the OzonAction Law Division, and ASHRAE have a Memorandum of Understanding to establish technical cooperation and mutual coordination toward providing professional technical services to the refrigeration and air-conditioning stakeholders (governmental, private, and public). The organizations work to ensure that up-to-date related technical information and standards are properly introduced and promoted through training, publication of reference documents, and other cooperative activity set forth in a jointly developed work plan.
This portal is a universally accessible repository for resources developed by the partnership, announcements, and descriptions of opportunities for ASHRAE members work with National Ozone Units in the UNEP network to strengthen the capacity of governments and industry in developing countries to make informed decisions about alternative technologies that minimize their potential impact on ozone depletion and climate change.
Explore the ASHRAE UNEP Portal:
Deadline Extended: September 15, 2024