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ASHRAE Strategic Plan

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Strategic Plan

ASHRAE has committed to a strategic planning process designed to bring enhanced focus to its activities. Working with the ASHRAE membership and its partners, the Board of Directors has developed this strategic plan to help direct the organization over the next three to five years. This plan was approved on June 24, 2014. 

View the Plan

Mission, Vision and Values: The Strategic Foundation

ASHRAE's mission, vision, and core values provide the basis for organizational direction and decision-making. These elements have remained constant throughout the planning process as ASHRAE's fundamental purpose (mission), desired long-term future (vision), and essential tenets of behavior (core values) have served the organization well and do not require adjustment.

MISSION: To advance the arts and sciences of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world.

VISION: ASHRAE will be the global leader, the foremost source of technical and educational information, and the primary provider of opportunity for professional growth in the arts and sciences of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration.

Goals and Objectives: The Strategic Direction

ASHRAE's four strategic goals—connect, educate, extend, and adapt—serve as broad statements of what the organization most wants and expects to accomplish over the next several years. The goals are supported, in each case, by a handful of objectives that further define specific accomplishments to pursue within the plan horizon. Each objective should provide guidance for implementing programs of work and testing and responding to various findings. For example, ASHRAE's work to "assess and implement methods to strengthen the member value proposition" will be an ongoing series of experiments and investments that support the broader goal of a vibrant, informed, and engaged member community.

GOALCONNECT:Foster vibrant, informed and engaged ASHRAE and industry communities.

  • Develop, implement, and assess methods to strengthen the member value proposition.
  • Maximize opportunities for member involvement in Society activities.

GOALEDUCATE: Create learning experiences that enhance the knowledge and effectiveness of individuals who apply building sciences.

  • Prototype and experiment with new resources that integrate ASHRAE's science and technology into building performance and knowledge systems.
  • Develop programming and promotions that enable ASHRAE chapters to educate a wider range of audiences.
  • Expand educational topics and enhance delivery methods to address the needs of priority audiences, including employers, owners, and operators.

GOALEXTEND: Develop, refine and optimize methods to increase awareness, adoption and application of ASHRAE's offerings.

  • Augment ASHRAE's marketing and promotional capabilities to drive higher levels of awareness and uptake of offerings.
  • Foster collaboration throughout the building industry to augment the positive impact of ASHRAE's offerings on building performance.

GOALADAPT: Work collaboratively within the global community to increase the value, usefulness and accessibility of building sciences and technology.

  • Identify and launch pilot programs in select international markets to adapt offerings to address local demand.
  • Work to translate science and technology into practical tools and resources that drive effective building design, operations, and management.
  • Ensure that ASHRAE's products, programs, and services are well aligned to meet the needs of the global building industry.

Strategic Initiatives: Focusing our Efforts

To achieve its four goals, ASHRAE will embark on the following initiatives. Each initiative includes a series of cross-functional programs and activities designed to provide maximum force toward reaching the goals and objectives outlined above.

Initiative 1: Market Prioritization – Member Passion and Core Market

  1. Volunteerism is the lifeblood of ASHRAE and can only be accomplished with the support of our members' employers. ASHRAE will meet with top employers to gain continued time and financial support of ASHRAE volunteers.
  2. Only through close communication with its key constituencies can ASHRAE deliver relevant and timely products and services. ASHRAE will research the true impact of its standards and technology and share the results with the world. ASHRAE will actively reach out to its key constituencies to achieve open, two-way dialogue. The dialogue will be used to validate programs and identify new opportunities.
  3. Students and young engineers are the future of ASHRAE. ASHRAE will work with universities to develop HVAC&R-related courses for university credit, use ASHRAE publications for education, and continue to strengthen our student branches.

Initiative 2: ASHRAE Efficiency – Organizational Assessment

  1. ASHRAE must become more agile so that it can deliver products and services in a timely manner while respecting the value of volunteer time. ASHRAE will review all aspects of the organization to identify and remove encumbrances to agility and the respectful use of volunteer time.
  2. The technical committees are the engine that drives ASHRAE technology. They must operate at full efficiency for ASHRAE to meet its desired goals. ASHRAE will review all aspects of the technical committee organization to ensure it is ready for today's and tomorrow's needs.
  3. Alignment with other existing organizations may be the fastest way to achieve success. ASHRAE will consider all arrangements on working with other existing organizations, including consolidation, partnerships, and joint ventures.

Initiative 3: Applied Product Development

  1. ASHRAE must deliver its technology to its members in effective and meaningful ways. ASHRAE will develop software tools and mobile apps focused on applications of its technology to assist its members in their daily professional activities.
  2. True building performance is heavily influenced by owners and operators. ASHRAE can assist in these groups achieving the performance they desire. ASHRAE will meet with owners and operators to ascertain how ASHRAE can best assist in achieving optimal building operation. In particular, ASHRAE will focus on developing and delivering operator training that achieves optimal building performance.
  3. The world of prescriptive and performance-based standards is changing. ASHRAE will work with other standards development organizations (SDOs) to map a course through this changing environment that will deliver the most positive impact to the market place.
  4. Professional development is a keystone of ASHRAE that can be delivered through our grassroots organization. ASHRAE will develop a comprehensive portfolio of practical applications courses intended to be delivered through our grassroots organization.

Initiative 4: ASHRAE's Role in the Global Community

  1. ASHRAE has already had significant impact in many countries around the world, but there is more that can be done. ASHRAE will conduct a detailed analysis of the needs of its global members and opportunities to work with organizations outside North America. ASHRAE will develop a strategy to serve its international members and participate in international markets. These strategies will be added to this strategic plan once approved by the Board of Directors.
  2. ASHRAE can learn from others about how to be effective in the global community. ASHRAE will work with consultants and other organizations to discover best practices and develop an approach to serve its members in the global community.

Initiative 5: ASHRAE's Role in the Residential Sector

  1. The residential building sector represents a significant portion of the built environment, and ASHRAE has a role to play in the continued success of residential buildings. ASHRAE will create partnerships and collaboration with key organizations in the residential sector. ASHRAE will work with its new partners to develop technology, perform research, and educate owners, builders, and designers to improve the residential built environment.

Outcomes and Measures: The Plan's Strategic Impact

As ASHRAE works to implement its strategic plan, monitoring high-level desired outcomes and corresponding measures will allow the organization to assess its progress and make adjustments as necessary.
