~ The overall response to Dr. Khankari was great. He was prepared, engaging, animated, and enjoyable.
Hawaii Chapter
~ Dr. Keen candidly discussed the ASHRAE bEQ Program, its advantages, and its challenges. Her performance during Q&A was particularly well-done.
Triangle Chapter
~ Perfect presentation (from Mitchell Swann) for a joint meeting (PSPE & AASHE), which also included highway/civil engineers. This allowed seamless diversity among the entire audience.
Anthracite Chapter
~ Ross (Montgomery) made an extremely positive impression on everyone involved with this lecture. His combination of professionalism and approachability/likeability left us wanting more.
Black Hills Area Chapter
~ The DL program is a great way to get quality speakers out to the Chapters. We typically have our best attendance for these meetings, particularly at this one (with Chris McDonald) as the topic related to all types of engineers, architects, and other professionals.
Big Sky Chapter
~ Devin (Abellon) did a great job explaining the science and application of this type of cooling system. Excellent communication and presentation skills.
Sierra Delta Chapter
~ This was a PDH Seminar that was offered to engineers so the attendance was scattered between several seminars all day. More people were in attendance for this presentation than the others because of the topic and the reputation of the presenter (Ralph Kittler).
Southern Piedmont Chapter
~ This was one of the most engaging presentations I've attended. It sounded like he (Luke Leung) can speak on other similar related topics. I would like to hear more. Thoroughly enjoyed the presentation!
Central Illinois Chapter
~ Ron's (Jarnagin) perspective on the history and background for ASHRAE standards he has worked on is invaluable. He is professional and personable and has a way of making even dry subjects easy to connect with.
Nashville Chapter
~ John (Peterson) was an excellent presenter. John interacted extremely well with the attendants and made his presentation stimulating to watch. He was clearly proficient in the material he presented.
Baltimore Chapter
~ Chris (Mathis) did a great job of presenting on why codes and standards matter in not just building performance but on a holistic level with respect to how it affects our total energy and how that affects our environment.
South Dakota Chapter