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The following presentations, that were presented live during the 2020 ASHRAE Virtual Conference, are now available to watch on-demand. Login information to access the full virtual conference, including the on-demand technical program, leadership moments, featured technical sessions presented live and happy hours, is included in your registration confirmation email. Questions? Email


  • June 29

    Monday, June 29, 2020

    Darryl K. Boyce, P. Eng

    Leadership Moment: State of the Society
    12:00 – 12:30 p.m. ET

    Welcome remarks and State of the Society presented by Darryl K. Boyce, P. Eng., 2019-20 ASHRAE President.

    Speaker: Darryl K. Boyce, P. Eng., 2019-20 ASHRAE President

    The Benefits of Off-Site Construction
    12:30 –1:40 p.m. ET

    Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) strategies are causing major disruptions in the Engineering and Construction value chain.  Off-Site activities are now being maximized to minimize On-Site work results.  The maturation of digital tools has radically altered the value proposition for the design and delivery of built solutions.  Critical enablers of this value shift include data-rich 5D BIM models, data analytics, enterprise level supply chain, factory automated processes, just-in-time logistics, and lean manufacturing principles.  Our panelists will explore how DfMA is now possible, the scale that can be achieved, and the compelling value benefits that can be captured.

    Speakers: Michael Cooper, Chair, Robin Bryant and Bryan Holcomb

       Robin Bryant, Region XII Director and Regional Chair   
    Michael Cooper  Robin Bryant   Bryan Holcomb

    Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: Introduction and Demonstration Projects
    1:40 – 3:10 p.m. ET

    The rapid penetration of renewable energies and growing peak electricity demand on constrained transmission and distribution infrastructure are stressing the grid for balancing and requiring increased load flexibility. Because buildings are the primary consumers of electricity in U.S., they are an ideal source of cost-effective demand flexibility which can provide a variety of grid services: load shape, shift, shed and shimmy. This session provides introduction and demonstration projects associated with the Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings initiative which focuses on making building equipment more intelligent and grid-responsive in addition to improving the energy efficiency of the overall building. 

    *PDHs and certificate available for both live and on-demand viewing through December 31, 2021.

    Speakers: Donghun KIM, Chair, Nikitha Radhakrishnan, Srinivas Katipamula, Xin Jin, Michael Starke

    Donghun KIM    N.Radhakrishnan S. Katipamula   Xin Jin          

    COVID-19: Opportunities for Sustainable Development
    3:10 – 4:20 p.m. ET

    The unprecedented challenges of this year’s pandemic have afforded us a great opportunity to further our reach and level of engagement in a meaningful way to professionals from across the globe.
    • Coronavirus shrinks Carbon Footprints Globally but can we keep it up?
    • Is Clean Earth only possible with Sustainable Development?
    To know more, join us for a Panel Discussion on “COVID-19: Opportunities for Sustainable Development” where global speakers discuss the current and future plans from the point of sustainable development.

    Speakers: Ashu Gupta, Moderator, Dr. Ahmed Alaa Eldin Mohammed, Nohad Boudani, Farhan A. Mehboob, Mohammad Tassi, Pankaj Dharkar 

       Ashu Gupta            Dr. Alaa         N. Boudani         F. Mehboob            M. Tassi          Pankaj Dharkar

    Happy Hour hosted by Young Engineers in ASHRAE featuring “Some Good ASHRAE News”
    4:20 – 5:00 p.m.

    Join us with your favorite beverage for a Happy Hour where Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) members will share “Some Good ASHRAE News” from around the ASHRAE global committee. YEA puts an ASHRAE spin on the popular news cast web series highlighting the good (and humor) in the world.

    Hosted by: Madison Schultz, Bruno Martinez, Shona O’Dea and Mallory Schaus

    Madison Schultz Bruno Martinez   Shona O’Dea
  • June 30

    Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    Jeff Littleton

    Leadership Moment: Secretary's Report
    12:00 –12:30 p.m. ET

    The latest news and updates regarding Society programs and events from Board Secretary and Executive Vice President, Jeff Littleton.

    Speaker: Jeff Littleton, Secretary 

    SARS, MERS, Ebola, COVID-19: How to Prepare for the Next Epidemic
    12:30 p.m.–1:40 p.m. ET

    The recent COVID-19 outbreak has again pushed the REAL concern regarding infectious diseases into the forefront of the public’s mind. Media, both new and old are rife with frightening stories that are causing events to be cancelled months in advance. Facilities that have not been designed with resilience in mind are potentially part of the problem.

    *PDHs and certificate available for both live and on-demand viewing through December 31, 2021.

    Speakers: Scott Sherwood, Chair, Stephanie Taylor, William P. Bahnfleth, Traci Hanegan

    Scott Sherwood   Stephanie Taylor   William Bahnfleth   Traci Handgan

    Tech Consultants Aren't ‘Designers of Record’ So No E&O Insurance Needed
    1:40 – 3:10 p.m. ET

    Today’s buildings are more complex than ever. Demands for higher performance, faster delivery and lower costs has spawned the growth of Energy Modeling, BIM development, in-field photogrammetry, Commissioning and Green consultants. These early-on consultants can have a big impact on final design decisions. Do they have professional liability similar to licensed design professionals? Should they carry PLI?? If you've contracted out to consultants, have you verified their capacity to ‘handle’ the risks associated with the direction they provide? This debate will dig into the potentially dirty details and shifting terrain covered by tech consultants and the “responsible party”.

    Speakers: E. MItchell Swann, Chair, Mina Agarabi, James Bradburn, Matthew Ryan, Larry Spielvogel

                        MItchell Swann           Mina Agarabi       Matthew Ryan      Larry Spielvogel               

    Crafting an O&M Plan for a Net Zero/Passive House: An Interactive Workshop
    3:10  – 4:20 p.m. ET

    To have a sustainable, high performance building it is essential to bridge the communication gap among owner, facilities staff and service contractors. This workshop focuses on the elements of an effective Operations and Maintenance Plan. Attendees, working in small groups, will craft a section of an O&M plan for a Net Zero/Passive House building. The groups will then come together, compare their O&M Plans, and engage in an interactive discussion designed to meld the best ideas into a single high-quality document.

    *PDHs and certificate available for both live and on-demand viewing through December 31, 2021.

    Speakers: Mina Agarabi, Chair, Annie Smith

    Mina Agarabi      Annie Smith

    Virtual Happy Hour hosted by Membership Promotion and Women in ASHRAE featuring Trivia Night
    4:20 – 5:00 p.m. ET

    Why is the Membership Promotion and Women In ASHRAE Virtual Happy Hour only 40 minutes? Because you could not take a full hour of the fun the ASHRAE MP has planned for you! Join members from the ASHRAE Membership Promotion Committee for a fun-filled, trivia time. Questions will cover the gambit of ASHRAE, pop culture, sports, literature and more! Everyone can participate and there may be a few prizes for the winners. Come join us and have some fun to complete your virtual conference day!

    Speakers: Julia Call, Carrie Kelty, Genevieve Lussier, Eric Sanchez, Jonathan Smith and Michelle Swanson

    Julie Call         Carrie Kelty          G. Lussier
              Eric Sanchez       Jonathan Smith     Michelle Swanson
  • July 1

    Wednesday, July 1, 2020

    Leadership Moment: Recognizing Board Members 
    12:00 - 12:30 p.m. ET

    Welcome remarks highlighting retiring Board members and introducing nominees for the Board of Directors, for the 2020-2021 Society Year

    ASHRAE's Latest Guides to Zero Energy Design
    12:30 - 1:40 p.m. ET

    This session will present introductions and insights into three ASHRAE zero energy design guides. ASHRAE in partnership with the USGBC, AIA, and IES created two Advanced Energy Design Guides, one for K-12 schools and one for Office Buildings. Strategies for achieving the AEDG energy targets will be presented as well as strategies for achieving success without increases in construction costs. The Net Zero Hospitals guide informs healthcare leaders about the environmental impacts of hospitals and sets out cost effective strategies to zero energy and zero energy cost. Furthermore the guide assists in establishing zero energy road maps for hospitals.

    *PDHs and certificate available for both live and on-demand viewing through December 31, 2021.

    Speakers: Fred Betz, Chair, Paul Torcellini, Francis Mills

    Fred Betz      Paul Torcellini    Francis Mills

    It's Not a Hot Potato! Engineers Cannot Delegate Design as They See Fit
    1:40 - 3:10 p.m. ET

    Faster project delivery, along with downward pressure on design fees has increased the use of ‘delegated design’ – the engineer places the responsibility of final design on the contractor. Delegated design is not new, but its use is increasing. Engineers say it is more efficient; improves coordination and yields greater value for owners. Contractors argue it forces them into areas they are not familiar with and not properly compensated for.  What do owners expect in technical services to their project?  This panel looks at ‘delegated design’: is it a responsibility dodge or a path towards a better project?

    Speakers: E. MItchell Swann, Chair, Michael Cooper, Branislav Cvijetinovic, James Tauby, Martin Weiland, Matthew Ryan

    MItchell Swann      Michael Cooper   B. Cvijetinovic  James Tauby   Matthew Ryan
    Yuguo Li

    Effects of Building Ventilation on SARS-CoV-2 Transmission: A Preliminary Study
    3:10 - 4:20 p.m. ET

    The once-in-a-century Covid-19 pandemics continues to spread. Implementing an appropriate level of intervention has not been easy, as the relative importance of different transmission routes is unknown. One important question related to HVAC is whether the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted by the airborne route. How important is building ventilation? SARS-CoV-2 is not alone in that significant uncertainty of its transmission routes remains. Confusion and inconsistences have remained for a long time over the roles of aerosol transmission of other respiratory infection, e.g. influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-1. The Covid-19 pandemic data provides an unprecedented opportunity as it occurred right in the middle of the AI and big data age. In some countries, health authorities conducted intensive contact tracing using trajectory sensors, surveillance videos and face recognition. In this talk, Mr. Li describes environmental studies of an outbreak of Covid-19, which suggested the probable roles of long-range aerosol transmission when there was insufficient ventilation.

    Speaker: Yuguo Li

    Virtual Happy Hour featuring retiring members of the Board of Directors and nominees
    4:20 - 5:00 p.m. ET

    Play the Board of Directors Happy Hour Challenge! Download the Challenge Game Board in advance and try to match the Board Member or Nominee with the activity and drink of choice. Answers will be revealed during the live Happy Hour using the live polling feature within the virtual conference platform.

    After the fun and games, join the retiring members of the Board of Directors and 2020-2021 nominees for a casual conversation. Ask your questions live using the Q&A and live chat functions.

    Mick Schwedler

    Speaker: Michael C.A. (Mick) Schwedler, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE
    Staff Applications Engineer, Trane
    La Crosse, WI
    Nominee for President-Elect

    Dennis Knight

    Malcolm (Dennis) Knight, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, BEMP
    Retiring Vice President
    Whole Building Systems
    Mount Pleasant, SC

    Michael Cooper

    Michael P. Cooper, P.E.
    Bernhard MCC
    Kenner, Louisiana
    Retiring Director and Regional Chair, Region VII

    Marites Calad

    Marites Dagulo Calad
    Norman S Wright
    Waipahu, Hawaii
    Retiring Director and Regional Chair, Region X

    Andres Sepulveda

    Andres J. Sepulveda
    President, Commtech
    Madrid, Spain
    Nominee for Director and Regional Chair, Region XIV

    Wade Conlan

    Wade Conlan, P.E.
    Commissioning and Energy Discipline Manager, Hanson Professional Services
    Maitland, FL
    Nominee for Director-at-Large

    Adrienne Thomle

    Adrienne G. Thomle
    Reno, NV
    Nominee for Director-at-Large

  • July 2

    Thursday, July 2, 2020

    Charles E. Gulledge III, P.E.

    Leadership Moment: Vision for the Future
    12:00 –12:30 p.m. ET

    Welcome 2020-21 Presidential Nominee Charles E. Gulledge III, P.E. as he introduces his presidential theme, "Digital Lighthouse and Industry 4.0"

    Speaker: 2020-21 Society President, Charles E. Gulledge III, P.E.

    ASHRAE Research: Where are We and Where are We Going?
    12:30 –1:40 p.m. ET

    This panel discussion focuses on needed research and funding for projects related to the pandemic and, for the coming decade, research on the built environment.

    Moderator: Marwa Zaatari, Ph.D., Associate Member, Blue Box Air, LLC, Boston, MA, 

    PanelistsReinhard Radermacher, Ph.D., Fellow Life Member, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
    Antonio Bouza, Associate Member, U.S. Department of Energy, Columbia, MD
    William Bahnfleth, Ph.D., P.E., Presidential Fellow ASHRAE, Penn State, University Park, PA

    Marwa Zaatari        Antonio Bouza      R. Radermacher    Bill Bahnfleth   

    Off-Site Construction for Resilient Buildings: Getting the Details Right 
    1:40 – 3:10 p.m. ET

    The promise of offsite construction is in higher-quality, faster, and potentially less expensive building construction.  These attributes lead to more resilient buildings and enable faster housing recovery after disasters.  However, achieving this dream is only possible with the right details.  These details include the onsite finishing between panels and modules, how to effectively integrate HVAC and water supply, and the financial and logistical details of executing on a project.  This session explores both materials and projects with an eye toward enabling best practices so practitioners can learn strategies for getting the details right.

    *PDHs and certificate available for both live and on-demand viewing through December 31, 2021.

    Speakers: Diana Fisler, Chair, Theresa Weston, Shanti Pless, Paul Grahovac

    Diana Fisler Theresa Weston Paul Grahovac

    Impact of COVID-19 on Buildings
    3:10 – 4:20 p.m. ET

    COVID-19 has changed many aspects of our lives, including the way we should design and operate buildings. This panel is comprised of four industry experts that focus on four different building types: 1) Hospital, 2) School, 3) Commercial, and 4) Residential. This panel is an open format where the moderator guides a discussion through important topics, including how to apply the ASHRAE statements regarding transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the operation of HVAC systems during the COVID-19 pandemic to design, allowing for perspectives on each building type to come through. Some of these topics include building ventilation, tips and tricks for navigating available technical resources, changes to indoor setpoints, controlling airflow, and the importance of humidification. Before the panel, attendees will also be able to submit questions, and some will be included in the discussion. In addition, the panel concludes with a Q&A period where attendees ask live questions. Attendees will leave this panel with increased confidence in their building design and operation projects. 

    Speakers: Abhishek Khurana, Moderator, Michael Sheerin, Kyle Hasenkox, Max Sherman, Luke Leung

        A. Khurana       M. Sheerin     K. Hasenkox        Max Sherman   Luke Leung  

    Virtual Happy Hour featuring a performance by the ASHRAE member band “The Psychrometrics”
    4:20 - 5:00 p.m. ET

    You are invited to join the final virtual Happy Hour, featuring the next best thing to a live rock concert – The Psychrometrics. This group of ASHRAE members gets together late-night at ASHRAE Winter and Annual Conferences to play rock music. What better way to end ASHRAE’s first virtual conference than with a performance featuring you…ASHRAE members!

    The set list includes original songs such as Building Scientist Blues as well as some familiar tunes like Wagon Wheel and Angel from Montgomery. Grab your favorite beverage and kick back with the volume up!

    Speakers: Entertainment from ASHRAE member band featuring Devin Abellon, Robert Bean, Jessica Errett, DeWayne Jenkins, Matt Jesson, Collin Olson, David Springer, Nick Hurst, and Eric Werling
