Getting to Zero: Teams Days Away from 2018 LowDown Showdown
From eSociety, September 2018
Go as low as you can go.
This year’s LowDown Showdown modeling competition challenges participants to get to “near net zero” on a model building project. The project is a 60,000 ft2 (5 574 m2) new construction museum in Denver, Colorado. The teams are to include retail space and a full service restaurant in their modeling plans.
The 2018 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild, scheduled for Sept. 26–28 in Chicago, is co-organized by ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA. The LowDown Showdown is part of the conference.
Each LowDown Showdown team submits a poster of their building design, a performance analysis model and results spreadsheet writes a one-page narrative on project workflow. Read next month’s eSociety to find out more on this year’s modeling competition.