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Addenda for Standard 90.1 Under Public Review

14 Addenda for Standard 90.1 Under Public Review

From eSociety, March 2019

The following addenda to  ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, are under a 45-day public review from Feb. 8 to March 25:

  • 2nd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bd

This is a second public review ISC to make changes to the proposed table as a result of the first public review comments. The following is a summary of the ISC changes:

1. Change the name for heat reclaim to heat recovery

2. Editorial corrections.

  • 2nd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bl

The following are the changes as a result of the ISC:

1. Clarify the US and outside US application

2. Some of the comments noted that AHRI 210/240-2023 is not currently published, but AHRI is very close to completing the update to reflect the DOE 10 CFR 430 Appendix M1 test procedure for SEER2 and HSPF and expects to have it completed in February 2019 likely before this ISC is released for comment.

  • 2nd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bm

This is document is an ISC to the first public review and only the changes of the ISC are available for comment. The changes made by the ISC are:

1. The language used to clarify requirements for applications in the U.S. and outside the U.S. will be updated to use the same standard language for all addendum impacted by this requirement

2. To support the change to SEER2 and HSPF2 we need to have a new reference for the procedures for these metrics.

DOE and the industry developed the 10 CFR 430 Appendix M1 but it does not include everything needed to rate a product and support certification. So AHRI is in the process of updating AHRI 210/240 and will release AHRI 210/240-2023 This document is nearly completed and targeted to be approved in February 2019, so we have included the reference to AHRI 210/240-2023 effective 1/1/2023.

  • 2nd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bn

This ISC to addendum bn makes corrections and changes to tables 6.8.1-4 and Table F-1.

  • 2nd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bo

This addendum incorporates changes to table 6.8.1-5 based on the first public review draft comments.

  • 2nd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bp

This addendum modifies table 6.8.1-6 and Table F5 based on the first public review draft comments.

  • 2nd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bs

This addendum makes changes to table 7.8 based on comments from the first public review draft.

  • 2nd Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bv

The purpose of this addendum is to allow designers the option to use ASHRAE Standard 90.4 requirements instead of ASHRAE 90.1 requirements in computer rooms that have an IT equipment load larger than 10 kW. A computer room that has such a load is the same as the defined term “data center” in 90.4.

  • 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum cd

This addenda is intended to be primarily a clarification of the original intention for bypass and control to permit economizer operation.

  • 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum cg

The building area method is an alternate method to the space-by-space method. Energy savings are related to the addendum bb (space-by-space method). This addendum does not have cost implications because costs of updating lighting power density allowances were addressed in Addendum bb. The values in this addendum supersede Addendum bw.

During the period between the approval by the 90.1 Committee and publication of Addendum bw, addendum bb (Table 9.6.1, space-by-space method) values were revised. As mentioned earlier, the values from addendum bb (Table 9.6.1, space-by-space) flow into Table 9.5.1, building area method. At the end of this addendum (below the line) is a comparison of Addendum bw and this addendum.

  • 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum cl

This addendum makes changes throughout Section 11 to better align with Appendix G providing greater consistency between the two sections.

  • 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum cn

This proposed addendum cleans up outdated language regarding walk-in cooler and walk-in freezer requirements, and make the requirements consistent with current federal regulations that either already came into effect June 5, 2017 or will come into effect July 10, 2020.

  • 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum co

SSPC 90.1 periodically reviews the normative references for applicability to this standard. Some new references have been added and many references have new effective dates. References not shown is this addendum are unchanged, and remain as currently listed in the standard or as modified in other addenda.

  • 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum cp

This proposal adds language for Appendix G to address the new proposed renewable energy requirements in addendum BY. The proposed approach allows a proposed design that does not include renewable energy required by Section 10.5.1 a method of trade off against other prescriptive requirements in the Standard.

Constructive comments are invited for the following public review drafts, which can be accessed on ASHRAE’s website.

All activity for reviewing and commenting on public review drafts can be accomplished completely online. To obtain a paper copy of any Public Review Draft contact:


Attn: Standards Public Review

1791 Tullie Circle NE

Atlanta, GA 30329-2305

or email

Paper copies are available for $35/copy if 100 pages or fewer and $45 if more than 100 pages.
