ASHRAE Member Testifies in Texas Senate with Government Affairs Committee’s Help
From eSociety, June 2019
ASHRAE’s Government Affairs Committee ensures ASHRAE’s technical expertise is shared with elected officials and policymakers.
Recently, Keith Reihl, P.E., Member ASHRAE, Region VIII Treasurer and GAC Chair of the ASHRAE Houston Chapter, reached out to the Government Affairs Office, which serves as a clearinghouse for policy and legislative matters. Reihl wanted ASHRAE to support legislation in Texas that aimed to improve the state’s PACE program, which enables property owners to upgrade their buildings with water conservation, energy efficiency, resiliency and distributed generation projects.
After considerable deliberation by the RVC and GAC leadership, ASHRAE President Sheila Hayter wrote a letter to the Texas House of Representatives to support PACE. The letter did not specifically support the legislation but stated ASHRAE’s support of the aims of PACE and its technical underpinnings. PACE references seven ASHRAE standards.
The letter was used in the Senate, where the legislation was approved. Reihl testified before the Senate committee that considered the legislation and submitted the ASHRAE letter and personal testimony to the House with the help of Bill Klock, P.E., Member ASHRAE, a past Region VIII Director Regional Chair. Despite their efforts, the bill stalled and died in the House.
The Governmental Affairs Committee was established during the 2013-14 society year to promote more members’ involvement in government activities at all levels,
If you are interested in getting involved with government policy, and want to ensure ASHRAE’s technical expertise is shared with elected officials and policymakers, reach out to your chapter’s Government Affairs Committee Chair. You can also contact your GAC Regional Vice Chair.
If a policy or legislative effort involves ASHRAE’s mission, and you think ASHRAE should be involved, contact