BACnet Testing Standard Now Includes Updated Alarm, Event Tests
From eSociety, September 2019
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135.1-2019, Method of Test for Conformance to BACnet, is now available for BACnet users and includes the functionality tests added to ASHRAE Standard 135, BACnet™—A Data Communication Protocol For Building Automation And Control Networks, between 2013 and 2018.
Standard 135.1 is the testing standard for Standard 135, ASHRAE’s BACnet standard, said Michael Osborne, P. Eng., Member ASHRAE, chair of the Standard 135 committee.
Standard 135.1 defines a standard method for verifying that an implementation of the BACnet protocol supports each capability claimed in its Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) in conformance with the BACnet standard (Standard 135).
“The approved Testing Laboratories continuously use the tests in 135.1 to validate BACnet product. Since BACnet is under continuous maintenance, it is constantly evolving with the needs of the customers and thus the tests in Standard 135.1 must follow, he said.
The BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group (BTL-WG) provides much of the new and updated tests along with the needed processes to accommodate these changes. The updated and new tests, once validated, are bundled into an addendum for Standard 135.1, according to Osborne.
Standard 135.1 provides a comprehensive set of procedures for verifying the correct implementation of each claimed capability, including:
BACnet services supported
BACnet object-types, including both required properties and optional properties and
the BACnet network layer protocol, data link options and all special functionalities.
The updated and new addenda in the 2019 version are:
Addendum o: Updated tests to ensure an invalid change of value subscription returns the correct error codes.
Addendum p: Updates to the EPICS consistency tests. Updated a Command object test to allow a BUSY error code.
Addendum q: A major update to existing tests and the additional new tests to support the changes to alarming and eventing as of protocol revision 13.
Addendum r: Updated tests to support the Property_List property. Added a test to forbid a device from accepting a Weekly or Exception Schedule with duplicate date/time entries.
“The bulk of the addenda were small maintenance improvements. Addendum q updated much of the alarm and event tests to protocol revision 13. These included the Notification Forwarder object, improved fault detection, event message configuration plus many more,” said Osborne.