Comparing ASHRAE Peak Cooling Load Calculation Methods & More in Recent STBEs
From eSociety, March 2019
ASHRAE members have free online access to Science and Technology for the Built Environment (STBE) using their ASHRAE member login credentials.
Here is the Table of Contents for the latest editions:
Table of Contents: Volume 25, Issue 3, March 2019
General Issue:
- Empirical investigation of regression models for predicting system behavior in air handling units
- IAQ and energy implications of high efficiency filters in residential buildings: A review (RP-1649)
- Oil retention in microchannel heat exchangers of an R134a refrigeration system and effects on their energy performance and system COP
- An optimized ANN for the performance prediction of an automotive air conditioning system
- Uncertainty analysis for different virtual pump water flow meters
- Investigation of temperature regulation effects on indoor thermal comfort, air quality, and energy savings toward green residential buildings
- Study on desiccant solution control strategies for efficient liquid desiccant air conditioning system control performance
- Heat storage and release characteristics of composite phase change wall under different intermittent heating conditions
- Indoor thermal environment and air distribution in a floor-ceiling heating room with mixing or displacement ventilation
- Investigating the influence of different speeds and directions of winds on the performance of split air conditioning systems
Table of Contents: Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2019
Editorial: What makes an excellent journal paper?
General Issue:
- Filtration of nanoparticles applied in general ventilation
- Development and application of a dynamic model for a solar assisted liquid desiccant air conditioning system
- Management of cooling energy through building controls for thermal comfort and relative performance in an office building
- Application of absorption heat pump and direct-contact total heat exchanger to advanced-recovery flue-gas waste heat for gas boiler
- Thermal and sound insulation of lightweight steel-framed facade walls
- Feasibility analysis of the hybrid dehumidifier–air conditioner technology for small-scale household applications in the tropics
- Comparison of ASHRAE peak cooling load calculation methods
- Machine learning vs. hybrid machine learning model for optimal operation of a chiller
- A method to generate design-sensitive occupant-related schedules for building performance simulations
- Load-based testing methodology for fixed-speed and variable-speed unitary air conditioning equipment
STBE offers comprehensive reporting of original research in science and technology related to the stationary and mobile built environment. Only works reporting on research that is original and of lasting value are accepted for publication. The journal is included in the Web of Science® and Current Contents Connect® databases. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind, and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. Visit for more information about publishing your paper in STBE.
STBE is published on behalf of ASHRAE by Taylor & Francis Group online and as a printed volume published twice a year. Each issue of STBE contains 150+ pages, with 10 issues published online and combined twice a year in print (June and December). Also, using Taylor & Francis' early online-publication system, Accepted Manuscript Online (AMO), accepted articles are published online in unedited form within 14 days of acceptance.
ASHRAE members have free online access to Science and Technology for the Built Environment using their existing ASHRAE member login information.
Science and Technology for the Built Environment, ASHRAE's archival research publication, offers comprehensive reporting of original research in science and technology related to the stationary and mobile built environment.