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Completed Research, July 2018

ASHRAE Research: Ventilation Levels in Classrooms + Automated Fault Detection And Diagnostic Methods For Supermarkets

From eSociety, July 2018


An ASHRAE research project has examined automated fault detection and diagnostic (AFDD) methods for supermarkets. Advanced AFDD methods for high energy consuming equipment found in supermarkets (refrigeration systems, refrigerated displays) are not widely used or available.

The final report details a number of conclusions on the current state of the art, as well as the data and procedures needed to develop supermarket specific AFDD approaches to help achieve significant energy savings. A technical paper was published in the ASHRAE Science and Technology for the Built Environment (Vol. 23[8], 2017).

1615-RP, Fault Detection and Diagnostic (FDD) Methods for Supermarkets, was sponsored by TC 7.5, Smart Building Systems. The principal investigator was Dr. Yuebin Yu with the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.


Children spend more than 30% of waking hours in classrooms and are generally more susceptible to environmental impacts than healthy adults. Despite this, classrooms often times lack proper ventilation and need to be retrofit.

An ASHRAE research project assessed the ability of four different retrofit strategies in classrooms in optimizing student well-being and performance, energy use and cost. Retrofits include:

1) a decentralized ventilation with heat recovery

2) automatic window opening control assisted by exhaust fan

3) automatic window opening supported by heat recovery units

4) visual CO2 feedback device mounted on wall.

The final report presented an assessment of the impact of these popular retrofit solutions on IEQ. A technical paper has been submitted for publication in a future edition of the ASHRAE Science and Technology for the Built Environment.

1624-RP, Effective Energy-Efficient School Classroom Ventilation for Temperate Zones, was sponsored by TC 2.1, Physiology and Human Environment. The principle investigator was Dr. Jorn Toftum with the Technical University of Denmark.
