New Certificants, April 2019
Building Commissioning Professional (BCxP)
The BCxP certification, an ANSI-accredited certification program, validates competency to lead, plan, coordinate and manage a commissioning team to implement commissioning processes in new and existing buildings.
Name, ASHRAE Chapter
Hassan F. Ali Younes, ASHRAE Falcon
Michael N. Bland, P.E., Golden Gate
Camille Allocca Bowman, P.E., Bi-State
Robert S. Bucey, Boston
Ming-Hang Cheng, P.E., Sacramento Valley
Luis Contreras
Randy G. Despain
Steven V. Dumas, Champlain Valley
Mutaz Elaswad, Eng., ASHRAE Falcon
Steven C. Funk , P.E., Atlanta
Wesley Garland, Atlanta
Rami Ghanem, Eng.
Stephen Glynn
Steven O. Guttmann, Golden Gate
Robert A. Haughney, New York
Jonathan Katz, Bi-State
Michael L. Kingsley,, New York
Sarah E. Maston, P.E., Boston
Suhail Muhammad, ASHRAE Falcon
Claus Perkuhn
Sinan A. Rasheed, P.E., Hamilton
Justin J. Redmond, New Jersey
Colleen S. Smith, Florida West Coast
Michael Stritch, P.E.
Tim Sullivan
Joseph Christopher Temperini, Long Island
Louis Vanacore, Northwest Florida
Collin Wheeler
Kin Yan Wong. Hong Kong
Building Energy Assessment Professional (BEAP)
The BEAP certification, an ANSI-accredited certification program, validates competency to assess building systems and site conditions; analyze and evaluate equipment and energy usage; and recommend strategies to optimize building resource utilization.
BEAPs also qualify to perform In Operation ratings for ASHRAE’s Building Energy Quotient (bEQ) program.
Name, ASHRAE Chapter
William Artis, Long Island
Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP)
The BEMP certification, an ANSI-accredited certification program, validates competency to evaluate, select, implement, calibrate and interpret the results of energy modeling software when applied to new and existing building and systems energy performance.
BEMPs also qualify to perform As Designed ratings for ASHRAE’s Building Energy Quotient (bEQ) program.
Name, ASHRAE Chapter
Melissa Page Crowe, Boston
Arpan Saha, Eng., India
Michael Schulte
Ashish Shukla, Toronto
Samira Zare Mohazabieh, Toronto
Healthcare Facility Design Professional (HFDP)
The HFDP certification validates competency to incorporate standards, guidelines and regulatory codes as well as unique healthcare facility requirements and design principles in HVAC system design.
Name, ASHRAE Chapter
Mohaned Alaeldeen Abdul Majeed, Saudi Arabia
Hadi Nasouh Mamoun, Lebanese