Addenda from Standards 90.1, 189.1 and More Up for Public Review
Public Reviews, September 2019
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2019, Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants
The following are under a 30-day public review from August 23 to September 22:
This addendum adds the zeotropic refrigerant blend R-469A in Table 4-2.
This addendum adds the zeotropic refrigerant blend R-470A in Table 4-2.
This addendum adds LFL data to Tables 4-1 and 4-2.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
The following is under a 30-day public review from September 6 to October 6:
2nd Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE Addendum p
The current standard contains exceptions for leakage from energy recovery systems. These exceptions have been misinterpreted and misapplied. The current definition of energy recovery ventilation systems is not used, and the term energy recovery device is not defined. The definition is therefore modified.
The following is under a 45-day public review from September 6 to October 21:
2nd Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE Addendum ag
This proposed addendum replaces the calculation method in current Normative Appendix B2 (Separation of Exhaust Outlets and Outdoor Air Intakes) with a new method based upon ASHRAE RP-1635 (2016). This research was sponsored by ASHRAE TC 4.3. The purpose of this Research Project is to provide a simple, yet accurate procedure for calculating the minimum distance required between the outlet of an exhaust system and the outdoor air intake to a ventilation system to avoid re-entrainment of exhaust gases. The new procedure addresses the technical deficiencies in the simplified equations and tables that are currently in Standard 62.1-2016 and model building codes.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2016, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings
The following are under a 30-day public review from September 6 to October 6:
This proposed addendum updates the normative references in Section 9 (References) of Standard 62.2.
The primary objective of this proposed addendum is clarification of the word “accessible.” The new definition added to Section 3 is closely based on the definition of “accessible” in another consensus standard, the Uniform Mechanical Code 2018.
Several questions have arisen from users of the standard and within the SSPC itself regarding requirements for installation and operation of mechanical ventilation systems. The changes proposed in this addendum are intended to clarify the requirements for complying with the standard. The changes introduce a specific paragraph to address operation requirements (4.4.2). Note that the deletion of the last sentence in Section 4.4.1 does not remove the requirement to label controls. These are still required per existing text in Section 6.2 “Controls and Labeling.”
The following is under a 45-day public review from September 6 to October 21:
1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE Addendum y
This proposed addendum is intended to address concerns regarding ventilation of new multifamily dwellings that are accessed by an enclosed common corridor where the operation of exhaust systems may draw air from the corridor. It is possible that corridor air may be contaminated and not suitable for use as makeup air for exhaust systems. Supply and balanced systems are allowed because they are less likely to introduce corridor air to the dwelling.
BSR/ASHRAE Standard 64- 2011R, Methods of Laboratory Testing Remote Mechanical-Draft Evaporative Refrigerant Condensers
The following is under a 45-day Public Review from August 30 to October 14:
1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE Standard 64- 2011R
This revision of Standard 64 prescribes methods of laboratory testing remote mechanical-draft evaporative refrigerant condensers. Technical revisions have been incorporated as appropriate. Additional revisions have been implemented to bring this standard into compliance with ASHRAE’s mandatory language requirements. References have been updated.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1- 2016, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
The following are under a 30-day public review from August 23 to September 22:
In response to comments from the second public review of addendum by, this independent substantive change clarifies the wording of exception 4 as it relates to the renewables requirements.
The proposed addendum aligns documentation (G1.3.2) simulation program (G2.2) climatic data (G2.3) and exceptional calculations (G2.5) requirements of Appendix G with the corresponding requirements of Section 11. In addition, the language of Section G2.4.2 is updated to take into account that the current version of Appendix G prescribes the baseline service water heating and space heating energy source.
The addendum clarifies how to establish the Appendix G baseline space conditioning categories that must be used in conjunction with Tables G3.4-1 to G3.4-8.
Standard 145.2-2016, Laboratory Test Method for Assessing the Performance of Gas-Phase Air Cleaning Systems: Air Cleaning Devices
The following is under a 30-day public review from August 23 to September 22:
1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE Addendum b
This addendum makes changes to the Title, Purpose, and Scope of Standard 145.2-2016.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 147-2013, Reducing the Release of Halogenated Refrigerants from Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Systems
The following are under a 30-day public review from August 30 to September 29:
This addendum adds Section 8.6, Decommissioning. This section clarifies the post-consumer handling of refrigerants.
This addendum adds Section 9.1.1, Recovery Equipment.
This addendum changes Section 4.3.2, Vibration to consistently refer to “endurance limits” rather than “endurance testing,” to broaden the scope referring to all tubing rather than only copper tubing, and to offer examples of small diameter tubing that is to be constructed with vibration loops.
This addendum changes Section 4.5.1 by including the descriptive phrase saturated suction temperature.
This addendum changes Section 4.3.3 to clarify the content by changing the word “bolts” to “fasteners.”
BSR/ASHRAE/AHRI Standard 155P, Method of Testing for Rating Commercial Space Heating Boiler Systems
The following is under a 45-day public review from August 16 to September 30:
2nd Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/AHRI Standard 155P
Standard 155P provides procedures for determining the steady state thermal efficiency, part load efficiency, and idling energy input rate of space heating boilers.
ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170- 2017, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities
The following are under a 30-day public review from September 6 to October 6:
Proposed Addendum g creates a more harmonious reference to ventilation requirements for those spaces located within a Health Care Facility which are not explicitly specified within the three Design Parameter Tables of the Standard (Tables 7.1, 8.1, and 9.1). The new phrasing acknowledges that other space ventilation rate requirements likely exist in other Codes or Standards for those spaces not included in the Design Parameter Tables and that these spaces may also be physically located within Health Care Facilities. The addendum also adds the definitions of patient and resident that is aligned with the FGI Guidelines.
This proposed addendum changes Section 6.6 to clarify requirements for water in humidification systems.
The following is under a 45-day public review from August 16 to September 30:
This proposed addendum removes several spaces from Table 7.1, 8.1, and 9.1 based on those spaces being adequately addressed in other standards. The addendum also proposes to modify minimum total air change requirements for several spaces based on the results of CO-RP 3.
The following are under a 45-day public review from September 6 to October 21:
This proposed addendum clarifies filtration requirements on a space by space basis. The filtration levels designated, and their rational basis are included in Informative Appendix C, Table C-1. In brief, this proposed addendum:
(1) revises requirements for filters in the body of the standard, removes Table 6.4, and adds filter efficiencies by space to Table 7-1, 8-1, and 9-1;
(2) adds Informative Appendix C: Recommended Filter Efficiencies by Space Type.
Proposed Addendum j continues the process of reorganizing the standard into three components—Hospital, Outpatient, and Residential Health Care and Support in alignment with the FGI Guidelines. The intent is not to create additional requirements for outpatient or residential facilities but to separate these from hospital requirements and thus eliminate confusion over which requirements apply to which occupancies. The result will be clarification of a lower level of requirements for outpatient and residential health facilities. Generally, the changes are:
(1) incorporate Addendum a updated filtration requirements;
(2) revise the space name terminology, table organization, and subheadings.
Infection prevention and control (IPC) strategies include risk assessment, identification of people receiving care who are at increased risk of infection due to procedures and therapy they are undergoing and aligns the environment of care to mitigate risks. IPC strategies also identify and segregate those with communicable disease to spatially separate them from others at risk. This can be done through engineering controls, but it can also be accomplished through operational/administrative controls. This experience is therefore basis for offering a risk-based approach to operation that departs from space requirements. For those health care providers that have the expertise to analyze, implement, and document their specific ventilation requirements, this proposed addendum provides a voluntary risk-based approach to establish operational ventilation rates for spaces required in this Standard.
ANSI/ASHRAE/ICC/USGBC/ IES Standard 189.1-2017, Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
The following are under a 30-day public review from August 30 to September 29:
Addendum aa to Standard 189.1-2017 underwent independent substantive changes based on comments received during the first public review period. The CO2e emissions factors were moved to a separate table, the table headings were revised, and one row ("other fuels not specified in this table") was relocated and assigned the same emissions factor as coal. Note: similar changes were made to addendum z.
Addendum z to Standard 189.1-2017 underwent independent substantive changes based on comments received during the first public review period. The table was renamed "Source Energy Conversion Factors," the table headings were revised, and one row ("other fuels not specified in this table") was relocated and assigned the same value as coal. Note: similar changes were made to addendum aa.
This independent substantive change to Addendum p modifies the selection of requirements that are appropriate for local jurisdictions to consider excluding from their adopted ordinances. Previously, Section (Fan System Power and Efficiency) and Section (Automatic Control of HVAC and Lights in Hotel/Motel Guest Rooms) were listed as jurisdictional options; they have been restored as core requirements of 189.1.
Addendum y to 189.1-2017 addresses situations where wall-mounted mechanical equipment defined in ASHRAE Standard 90.1, Table 6.8.1-4, can account for a significant portion of the wall area. For example, Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTACs) can cover as much as 20% of the wall area, having a significant impact on the thermal performance of the wall. This independent substantive change (ISC) to addendum y clarifies how to calculate penetration area in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 90.1, Section 5.5.3. It also increases the threshold for triggering the proposed requirements.
Addendum k underwent independent substantive changes based on comments received during the first public review period. The changes include: new renewable energy requirements to create better alignment between Chapter 7 performance and prescriptive paths, new requirements for the treatment of off-site renewable energy sources, and new language to describe off-site renewable energy supplies based on industry standards.
Addendum ag defines a new metric called the fan efficiency index (FEI) developed by AMCA International and recommended by the DOE. FEI is the ratio of the electrical input power required by the subject fan compared to a reference fan. FEI provides designers with a simpler means of making optimal fan selections without the added complexity of sizing/selection windows. A similar provision has already been approved for ASHRAE Standard 90.1. However, addendum ag to 189.1-2017 proposes a 10% increase to the FEI requirements that will appear in 90.1-2019.
Addendum ah increases the efficacy requirements for light sources and the percentage of light sources in dwelling units that must meet the higher requirements. This addendum reflects the availability of highly efficient lighting products on the market and ASHRAE’s effort to continue developing 189.1 as a high-performance standard. The new requirements were determined with consideration of published averages for both directional and omnidirectional lamps and include an exception for appliance lighting.
Addendum ai to 189.1-2017 raises the efficiency requirements for gas-fired hot water equipment and adds efficiency requirements for electric equipment. The new gas efficiency requirements (0.92 Et) could be met without making major technology shifts since achieving the 0.90 Et already required in 189.1-2017 typically involved the use of condensing technology. The required COP of 2.0 for electric water heaters is based on a Washington state proposal. Exceptions are provided for water heaters installed in individual dwelling units and for buildings that use renewable energy and/or waste recovery systems to meet 25% or more of the hot water demand.
Addendum al to 189.1-2017 replaces references to ‘acceptance testing’ with its defined equivalent ‘functional and performance testing (FPT).’
Addendum am modifies the current definition of on-site renewable energy system, which references building project (which in turn, references site.) These references have been eliminated and additional details have been provided to improve the clarity of the definition.
Addendum ad to 189.1-2017 aligns solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) requirements with 90.1-2016 with limited exceptions as described for Climate Zones 4C and 5 through 8 with glazing oriented within 22.5 degrees of true north. This addendum also deletes the duct insulation requirements specific to 189.1 in favor of the default values from 90.1-2016, which have been found to be more energy efficient.
The following are under a 30-day public review from September 6 to October 6:
Addendum m to 189.1-2017 adds new provisions to ensure tubing is sized for efficient delivery of water through hot water distribution systems. The new requirement balances health, energy and plumbing code intents with energy and water efficiency strategies. The addendum is based in part on research by the California Energy Commission on the energy implications of hot water supply. The volume of water in a pipe is the primary determinant of how long a user must wait for hot water to be delivered at a fixture. This has significant implications for both energy use to heat the water and the volume of water wasted before delivery. Similar provisions are currently included in the 2018 IECC (Section C404.5) and the 2015 IgCC (Section 702.8.)
Addendum aj to 189.1-2017 adds minimum efficacy requirements for residential ventilating fans in bathrooms, utility rooms, and for systems that provide exhaust air energy recovery. The new requirements reflect the average performance attainable using products currently on the market. This addendum will also create better alignment between Standard 189.1 and the current requirements in the IECC.
The following is under a 45-day public review from August 30 to October 14
BSR/ASHRAE Standard 207P, Laboratory Method of Test of Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Air Economizers
The following is under a 45-day public review from August 30 to October 14
- 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE Standard 207P
The purpose of ASHRAE Standard 207P is to provide methods for laboratory testing of Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) systems to determine whether they perform as specified.
Constructive comments are invited for the following public review drafts, which can be accessed on ASHRAE’s website.
All activity for reviewing and commenting on public review drafts can be accomplished completely online. To obtain a paper copy of any Public Review Draft contact:
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Paper copies are available for $35/copy if 100 pages or fewer and $45 if more than 100 pages.