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Infectious Aerosol Position Document statements

Short-list references associated with Position Document

For additional annotated references, please refer to the the PDF

Scientific Research Bibliography
July 9, 2020

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ASHRAE Research Projects

pdf_icon.png RP-1635 -- Simplified Procedure for Calculating Exhaust/Intake Separation Distances

pdf_icon.png   RP-1458 -- Modeling Person-to-Person Contaminant Transport in a Mechanical Ventilation Space - Oct 2013

pdf_icon.png   RP-776 -- Investigate and Identify Means of Controlling Virus in Indoor Air by Ventilation, Filtration Or Source Removal - 1993

Information on these pages is provided as a service to the public. While every effort is made to provide accurate and reliable information, this is advisory, is provided for informational purposes only. These are not intended and should not be relied upon as official statements of ASHRAE.
