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Addenda to Standard 90.2-2001

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Standard 90.2-2001, Energy Efficient Design of New Low-Rise Residential Buildings

NOTE: All documents linked from this page are in pdf_icon.png PDF-format.

(These descriptions may not be complete and are provided for information only.)

pdf_icon.png Addendum a (Sections,,,, 5.3.10,, and Thermal Transmittance Requirements. Adds a set of prescriptive requirements to assist the user in determining compliance for buildings with greater fenestration (glass area exceeding 125 ft2).)

pdf_icon.png Addendum b (Changes to Section and Table 5-1 reflect modifications to the text to accurately depict the material under consideration in Table 5-1. Accomplished in part by substituting the word 'Steel' for 'Metal' and 'Size of Members' to 'Nominal Stud Size' to be more consistent with the steel industry terminology and dimensional designations as well as coordination with national model building codes and standards.)

pdf_icon.png Addendum c (In Section 8.7.1, the ducts assumed for the reference building must be completely within the conditioned space. In much of the country where ducts are commonly located in unconditioned spaces, this requirement represents a disincentive to use the performance path of Section 8. The prescriptive requirements for buildings with ducts in unconditioned spaces are more stringent than those for buildings with ducts in the interior. Given the current understanding of the issue, the prescriptive requirements cannot be assumed to reflect the real impact of duct losses. To provide an incentive to move ducts indoors, the performance path must acknowledge the reality that ducts are commonly located in unconditioned spaces. The change will benefit builders who typically locate ducts in conditioned spaces and increase the benefits of the performance path. For those who typically locate ducts in unconditioned spaces, the proposed change will provide a strong incentive to move ducts inside. The change in Section 8.7.6 to the assumption of wood doors for the reference case removes a penalty for using the performance path, while recognizing the common practice of using wood entry doors.)

pdf_icon.png Addendum d (Section 5.3.6 and 5.5.6: Slab-on-Grade floor insulation. Structural damage has resulted in areas of heavy termite infestation traveling through or behind slab edge insulation and this addenda addresses this issue. Adds new Figure 5-17, Termite Map from CABO 1&2 Family Dwelling Code.)

pdf_icon.png Addendum e (Sections 7.1.3 and 8.9: Revises the calculation for domestic water heating and adds Section 7.1.3, Central Water Heating Equipment.)

pdf_icon.png Addendum f (Sections,,,, and Reflective roofs. Allows a residential structure to consider the use of high-albedo roofs in hot and humid climates in order to reduce air-conditioning energy use.)

pdf_icon.png Addendum g (Revise the scope in Section 2 as shown; Delete or revise definitions in Section 3; Revise Figure 4-1; (Delete Section and renumber Sections through accordingly; Delete and revise portions of Section 5; Delete references in Section 10)

pdf_icon.png Addendum h (This addendum applies to the changes published in ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum f to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2-2001, which permits the use of reflective roofs in hot and humid climates to reduce the use of air-conditioning energy.)

pdf_icon.png Addendum i (The purpose of this addendum is to recognize and respond to the individuals, groups, and entities that use energy codes that govern one- and two-family dwellings and low-rise multi-family structures by developing a standard that contains only the essential information necessary to design and enforce energy conservation requirements for single-family houses and multifamily structures.)

pdf_icon.png Addendum j (Delete Section and replace it with a new section)

pdf_icon.png Addendum k (Revises piping insulation requirements in ASHRAE Standard 90.2 to be consistent with the requirements in ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2001.)

