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ASHRAE has announced a call for entries for a new HVAC&R Student Paper Competition.
The competition is aimed at students working on their Bachelor and Master’s degree who are members of ASHRAE.
The winning entry will represent the Society at the 2019 HVAC World Student Competition to be held in conjunction with the 13th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2019, May 26-29, in Bucharest, Romania.
“The ASHRAE HVAC&R Student Competition seeks to recognize creative accomplishments of student members,” said ASHRAE Presidential Member William Bahnfleth and chair of the ASHRAE CLIMA 2019 Steering Committee, which supports ASHRAE participation in the CLIMA conference series organized by REHVA.
“In addition to presenting high quality ASHRAE student work to the Society, the top entry will represent the Society in the HVAC World Student Competition, a competition against students from other organizations. ASHRAE will fund the entrant’s expenses to attend and present at CLIMA 2019,” he said.
A key component of the requirements is the preparation of a paper that is based on an accepted BS or MS thesis. The paper’s topic must be in the area of HVAC technology, building services, indoor environmental control or energy performance of buildings.
Entrants for the 2019 ASHRAE HVAC&R Student Paper Competition:
- Will submit a six-page maximum length paper that is based on an accepted BS or MS thesis by November 30th.
- Will give a 10 minute oral presentation on Monday, January 14, during a session scheduled during ASHRAE’s 2019 Winter Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
- Will prepare a poster for display during the oral presentation.
Entrants will be notified in February of the competition results.
More information about the competition and requirements are available here.
If you have questions or to submit an entry, contact Tony Giometti at