Abstract: This is the most crucial decade of action for engineers who want to make a difference. What lies before us is the big, hairy, audacious goal of ensuring a sustainable future for all people on a planet pummeled by a changing climate. We who work in the built environment are called upon to mobilize our best, most creative, most dynamic leaders to solve the wicked problem of fast decarbonization. Yes, that would be you!. Join with Erin to reflect on how to build from personal strengths to powerful leadership, from technical insight to trusted influence, and from “ how we’ve done it before” to pivoting our practices to fortify our future. Through a mix of story-telling and invitation, this session will prepare us all to find inspiration and solidify purpose during the rest of the conference.
Bio: Erin has degrees in both mechanical and structural engineering and has experiencing working on projects ranging from museums to airports, schools to laboratories. As a Principal in Arup’s Los Angeles office, she has been responsible for the design leadership of many of the firm’s most significant projects.
Erin’s extensive technical knowledge of innovative and energy saving solutions is coupled with her commitment to sustainable designs that address the whole life cycle of buildings. She brings a sophisticated understanding of balancing mechanical system and façade options in order to predict and maximize energy savings at early phases in a project. Erin recently attained the rare distinction of ASHRAE Fellow in recognition of her significant contributions to the industry. Erin is an Arup Fellow.

Abstract: In this engaging keynote, our speaker explores the nuanced dynamics of leadership across two distinct realms: the structured world of business and the collaborative space of volunteer organizations. With a rich background as a business owner and as the President of the ASHRAE Society, our speaker offers unique insights into the leadership strategies that drive success in each setting.
Leading employees in a corporate environment involves clear hierarchies, financial incentives, and performance evaluations. The speaker will discuss how these elements shape decision-making and goal-setting in the business world, emphasizing the importance of vision, communication, and organizational culture.
Conversely, leading volunteers, especially in technical fields like HVAC engineering, presents unique challenges and opportunities. Volunteers are driven by passion, commitment to a cause, and the desire for professional growth. The speaker will share effective strategies for motivating and managing volunteers, focusing on empathy, respect, and community building.
The presentation will conclude with actionable advice on how leaders can adapt their style to inspire both paid employees and volunteers, ultimately enhancing their effectiveness and impact in both arenas. Through real-life examples and practical tips, attendees will leave better equipped to lead diverse teams in any environment.
Bio: Ginger Scoggins, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE is ASHRAE’s President for the 2023-24 term. Scoggins previously served on the ASHRAE Board of Directors as president-elect, treasurer, vice president and director and regional chair. For her time and dedication to ASHRAE and the industry, she is the recipient of the Exceptional Service Award and Distinguished Service Award. She chaired the ASHRAE Building Headquarters Ad Hoc committee, leading the Society’s $20 million fully net-zero-energy building renovation project. Scoggins has 35 years of experience as a licensed mechanical engineer and is a certified commissioning agent and certified energy manager. She is the president and owner of Engineered Designs, Inc. in Cary, N.C. – a full-service consulting engineering firm – where she works on the design and commissioning of projects ranging from $4 to $90 million in construction cost. Her focus is on designing high-performing buildings across a wide variety of markets.
Scoggins is a 1986 graduate of Tennessee Technological University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.