This site provides recommended training for participants in the standards development process. This training is being made available here for individual self training purposes. These presentations are available in either Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) or Adobe Acrobat Document (PDF) format. Click below to open the desired presentation and format.
Project Committee Members and Liaisons:
Training for project committee chairs and vice-chairs is available on the PC Chairs Toolkit webpage This training is mandatory for all project committee chairs and vice-chairs.
Standards Committee:
Available below are the training presentations normally presented to the Standards Committee and Subcommittees of the Standards Committee each year during Technology Weekend. This training is mandatory for all new Standards Committee members and is strongly encouraged for ongoing members. Standards Committee members assigned to one or more of the subcommittees below should also review the applicable presentation.
Standards Committee Training
PDF (2016)
PPT (2016)
Code Interaction Subcommittee (CIS)
CIS (PDF) (2016)
CIS (PPT) (2016)
CIS for CRCs PDF (2016)
CIS for CRCs PPT (2016)
CIS for TCs PDF (2016)
CIS for TCs PPT (2016)
Intersociety Liaison Subcommittee (ILS) / International Standards Advisory Subcommittee (ISAS)
PDF (1/2011)
PPT (1/2011)
Planning, Policy and Interpretation Subcommittee (PPIS)
PDF (7/1/2021)
PPT (7/1/2021)
Standards Project Liaison Subcommittee (SPLS)
PDF (2016)
PPT (2016)
Standards Reaffirmation Subcommittee (SRS)
PDF (7/1/2021)
PPT (7/1/2021)